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Why to choose physiotherapy as a career? (9 things you should know about physical therapy )

9 things you should know about physical therapy :

Let me straight get to the point.             

1. Scope 

Their is vast scope in this field  . As whole profession is re-defined and now it is not only limited to diploma courses as earlier it was.

A career in Physiotherapy is lucrative for the students who wanna pursue their career in health sector. As the demand of this profession is increasing day by day.

Following are the fields  which you can pursue:
- Pediatrics Physiotherapy
- Obstetrics  and gynecologic Physiotherapy
- Sports Physiotherapy
- Neurology Physiotherapy
- Orthopedic Physiotherapy
- Geriatrics Physiotherapy(for old agers)
- Cardiovascular Physiotherapy

Neurological problems like:

Stroke, Multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s etc.

Neuromusculoskeletal  problems like:

Back pain etc.

Cardiovascular  problems like :

Chronic heart diseases and rehab after a heart attack etc

Respiratory problems  like :

Asthma, pulmonary disease and cystic fibrosis etc.

2. Well Renowned and Reputed :

-There are many people around you telling it's a new profession you should not get into physiotherapy . It's not new let me tell you.

" Shri krishna treated Rishi Ashtavakra's spine scoliosis by giving him traction "
                                       -Dr.R.K. Mudgil
 -This profession is considered to be noble simply due to the fact that it satisfies the most vital of human needs, and this is to stay healthy.

3. Payscale

As a physiotherapist you will earn with your experience . But primarily you should  focus on learning instead of earning because that's how you can grow .

- You can earn a decent salary with your job. But as long as you have that skills,experience,creativity and hunger to grow their is no limit how much you can earn.

4. Job Opportunities

- Here are some of the fields mention for which you can opt for :

1.Consultant Physiotherapist in 
   Multi-specialty Hospitals,
   Health Care Centers, 
2.Corporate Physiotherapist in MNCs
3.Health Care Physiotherapy Instructor in  modern Gymnasiums
4.Ergonomic Care Advisor
5.Physiotherapist in Special Schools for 6.Physically Challenged Children
7.Physiotherapist in Old Age Residential Homes
8.Sports Physiotherapists along with Sports Associations, Sports Team, 
individually hired physiotherapists by elite athletes
9.Entrepreneurs in Rehabilitation Centers/ Organizations
10.Private Practitioners running Private 11.Physiotherapy Practice
13.Clinical Researcher etc.;

And  many more to explore. But  with time and increasing demand their are new horizons opening for physios.

5. Further Studies :

-  Firstly if you belong to India you can go for BPT (Bachelors of physiotherapy) after that you can go for MPT i.e; masters.

There are some other fields like Msc in kinseology etc. Which are provided in countries like canada , australia so you can also have that option.
Here is link for top 10 colleges :

-  But  you are thinking of any other alternative than it is DPT ( Doctrate of physiotherapy) . It is provided  by countries like US .
Here goes the link for some top colleges:

6. Benefits of doing BPT from India :

Hey there!
-If you are from india lemme tell you one thing India is the only country which provides BPT courses and India has such a bustling population so you can have good exposure of all the types of patient and that's a WIN-WIN.

-Because in countries like canada you have to do some relevant courses for doing Msc or Mpt .

7. Practical aspect :

-  If you are the who enjoy practical application then this is the right profession for you. Students have the opportunity to go out on clinical placements and apply their classroom learning in a real-life environment.
- To  prepare students for real life experience they are exposed to various aspects of physiotherapy, placements are aligned to each of the three core themes of teaching: cardiorespiratory,neurological, and neuromusculoskeletal physiotherapy.

8.Passion for healing: 

- People spend millions on charity why? To help people who are in need to provide them better lives. But as a physical therapist you can help as many as you want .Because at the end day  when you are sitting below the moon and thinking what you have done the only thing you remember is the smile on the faces of those  toddlers which are physically challenged and that old lady who bless you ...that's the real  earning.

-You could be working with an elite athlete who has struggled with chronic injury, a teenager with a spasming back or a recovering stroke victim who is learning how to walk again – either way, you have the potential to make a profound difference to their lives with your care and expertise. 

9.Interaction with new personalities:

Either you're intovert , extrovert or 
ambivert .Meeting new peoples have its own chills instead of this you can learn new things develop your personality, keep yourself up-to-date yah! Talking with people  listening to their experiences might give your career a new turn.

-BTW there are many exciting new horizion which are opening you way are:

Dance physiotherapy ,
Under water physiotherapy etc.

Shhh!! Lemme tell you a secret don't listen what others say  follow your heart .

Poetry of the day:
" Agash  to kar tu halat tere badlenge,
Farzi na mere jazbat h,
Marzi ke shayad ye tere khilaf h,
Par iss bas nakamyab tere har prayas h ;
Kyunki yeh toh bas shurvat 
            yeh toh  bas shurvat h.
      - ©


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Thanks for reading!!



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