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Showing posts with the label physiotherapy physical therapy career canada US India

Why to choose physiotherapy as a career? (9 things you should know about physical therapy )

9 things you should know about physical therapy : Let me straight get to the point.              1. Scope   -  Their is vast scope in this field  . As whole profession  is re-defined and now it is not only limited to diploma courses as earlier   it was. -  A career in Physiotherapy is lucrative for the students who wanna pursue their career in health sector. As the demand of this profession is increasing day by day. Following are the fields  which you can pursue: - Pediatrics Physiotherapy - Obstetrics  and gynecologic Physiotherapy - Sports Physiotherapy - Neurology Physiotherapy - Orthopedic Physiotherapy - Geriatrics Physiotherapy(for old agers) - Cardiovascular Physiotherapy Neurological problems  like: Stroke, Multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s etc. Neuromusculoskeletal   problems like: Back pain etc. Cardiovascular   problems like : Chronic heart diseases and rehab after a heart attack etc Respiratory problems   like : Asthma, pulmonary disease and cystic fibrosis etc.